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Antenna Array

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CST - Computer Simulation Technology

Вторник, 25 мая 2010
CST presents substantial improvements to the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS) Asymptotic Solver at MTT-S IMS 2010.

Engineers simulating electrically large structures, either for radar cross section analysis or for antenna placement studies, benefitted from the introduction of an asymptotic solver in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO version 2010. This solver is based on the shooting bouncing ray method. With the latest CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 service pack, significant functional enhancements have been made available to our customers.

The asymptotic solver can now use farfields as excitation sources. These farfields can be computed by other CST MWS solvers including the transient and frequency domain solvers. This makes the calculation of an installed antenna´s farfield possible, even for an electrically very large structure such as a ship. Importing more than one farfield enables the computation of the coupling between several antennas, or of the total farfield including all antennas.

Вторник, 25 мая 2010
CST announces the implementation of an efficient sensitivity analysis for the transient solver of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO 2011. The sensitivities can be used in the transient as well as the frequency domain solver for yield analysis and fast optimization.

Design engineers choose the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS) transient solver for a large variety of microwave & RF applications because of its performance and accuracy. The latest addition to this solver will help them to speed up parameter studies and optimization of RF-components significantly.

One of the key advantages of the CST MWS transient solver is the efficient computation of broadband s-parameters and field results in one single simulation run. The newly implemented sensitivity analysis will be capable of evaluating the s-parameter dependencies on various model parameters on the basis of one simulation. This means that all further evaluations for different model parameter sets can be derived without restarting the full-wave simulation, thus offering users a considerable speed-up. Yield analysis for complex three dimensional models is becoming available at virtually no additional computational cost.

Вторник, 25 мая 2010
CST announces curved elements and domain decomposition will be available in the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO frequency domain solver in the next major release at MTT-S IMS 2010.

Engineers designing narrowband or high Q structures, working with the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS) frequency domain solver offers some natural advantages. Additionally, it is often used to crosscheck results with the transient solver for even greater confidence. The introduction of “True Geometry Adaptation” in CST MWS version 2009 represented a major milestone for the derivation of reliable and accurate results for RF FEM solvers.

With version 2011, the CST MWS frequency domain solver will feature curved elements of arbitrary order. In comparison to using simpler curvilinear elements (first order curved elements), which often suffer from the creation of inaccuracies in the mesh representation, the implementation of higher order curved elements means that the approximation of arbitrary surfaces is much smoother.

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AWR Corporation

Joel Kirshman shows how to design with Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components using Visual System Simulator (VSS). (Video)

Press Release: AWR Showcases 2010 release at IMS

AWR AXIEM White Paper

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GuidesArray Rectangular 0.2.14

GuidesArray Rectangular™ позволяет быстро провести инженерные расчеты двумерных фазированных антенных решеток прямоугольных волноводов на электродинамическом уровне.


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